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Even Bear Mattress sells their bed on Amazon, though the discounts are typically much better directly through the brand. Amazon generally affords you quicker shipping, especially with Prime, but not typically the largest discounts. Therefore, if you want the mattress quickly usually days , Amazon is a great place to look.

Even though holidays are the best time to buy a bed, you can save extra money year-round by seeking out bundles. Not all brands or retailers offer discounts via bundles, but a lot of them do.

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They also sometimes cut the price of a bed frame if you get that with a new mattress. Other brands, such as Casper Mattress , will increase discounts when you spend more. So, they might not offer much in the way of a discount on their mattress, but they will increase that discount as the total cart value increases i. Mattresses follow the typical retail cycle in that Black Friday is the best time to score a major discount.

Having said that, other major holidays, such as 4th of July, Presidents' Day, and Veterans Day, often bring about huge mattress sales events. Therefore, if you can wait until the next major holiday, you should consider doing so since the discounts could go even deeper. A lot of times, we will have a discount for you. This is mostly what we do at the Slumber Yard—review and compare mattresses and bedding products. We have posted dozens of mattress reviews and mattress comparisons from some of the biggest and smallest brands out there, including some that primarily sell in-store and others that exclusively sell online.

Or if we learn something new about the Helix Sleep Mattress , for example, we would probably go and update our related comparisons and best lists, as necessary. We try to be diligent and timely with all of our reviews and updates. But, of course, if you notice something that needs to be changed, make sure to reach out to us. See More.

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Equally important to the return policy and trial period that comes with your mattress is its warranty. Who wants to buy a mattress on crazy discount, but that falls apart after a year? Not us. Not anyone. Therefore, you should always check the warranties and read them diligently. These would obviously trigger a warranty event. Most brands offer a year or longer warranty. Novosbed , for example, offers a year warranty, but after year 10 ,the rules become a little more strict.

If your bed sags, call the company up and get your money back. Most online brands come with very lax return policies. Just pay attention and ask about return policies and trial periods. You need a few weeks to adjust to the bed and vet it for yourself. So we find or procure deals, but how often are we getting new deals and updating existing ones? Generally, we go through our list of deals on a daily basis. However, during major holidays, we are particularly active.

We have seen certain brands and retailers ratchet up their discounts during holidays e.

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Labor Day, etc. Usually, the deals start and have some sort of expected ending date. Often times, though, the expiration date will be extended. This happens a lot during major holidays. Mattress shopping can be intimidating and somewhat daunting. We go over questions related to feel, temperature, price, and more. We put a lot of time into that post and it should be very helpful for you. In addition, it may be helpful to go into a store to test beds for yourself before you purchase. For example, memory foam is a love-or-hate thing. We also operate another very popular website that gets hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.

It too has exclusive deals that are updated daily. We basically used the same model here at the Slumber Yard: hunt and source. We scour the web for great deals and we politely beat down the doors of brands and stores to get exclusive discounts.

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Most of the time we see larger discounts on mattresses, but occasionally brands will offer promotions on pillows, bed frames, mattress toppers , and other sleep accessories. My Pillow gives that promise and that is, it promises to give you a good night sleep.

It also has the capacity to adjust to any kind of curvature, unique to each user, because of which it lends an exact fit. My Pillow offers great comfort to the user and ensures that the head and shoulder gets maximum stability. In addition, it also ensures that your neck gets good support.

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There are many who suffer from back pain, because most of us spend our whole day sitting in one place, glued to our screens. Then, at night, you sleep on a pillow that is not as comfortable as it should be which makes your back discomfort worse. The result is that you get up in the morning all sore and tired.

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