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I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my link. I also of course want to show you some of the hairstyles I can create with either my flat iron or my curling wand. For this style I started wrapping my hair about half way down.

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The second day it stays really big soft waves. Nice and beachy! Here you can see half of my hair done with the flat iron, straight. The other half is curled with the flat iron a la Leslie Knope! In most cases, you will want to allow your customers to enter a coupon code on your checkout page and have that redemption applied to their purchase. You can do this using the hosted payment pages or your own checkout page with Recurly.

Here are some general rules to consider:. Hosted Payment Pages To allow coupons to be redeemed on the hosted payment pages, select the Coupons option on the Hosted Pages Settings page under Configuration on your Recurly site. API and Recurly. Makes sure the coupon is being redeemed within the subscription creation action in order to avoid redemptions on accounts where the subscription failed due to a declined transaction.

If you redeem the coupon directly on the account, separate from the subscription creation action, you will see redemptions for failed signups. Recurly UI When adding a subscription to a customer's account in the Recurly UI, you can enter in a coupon code and redeem the coupon at the same time. You can redeem a coupon in a subscription upgrade or downgrade to apply the discount to the change invoice. This option is useful for Subscription-level coupons that apply only to the new version of the subscription.

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If you would like to discount the next invoice of an existing subscription or a one-time charge invoice, you can redeem a percentage or fixed amount off coupon directly on the account, outside of a purchase action. Free trial coupons cannot be redeemed on an account; they must be redeemed when creating a subscription. Recurly UI Each account page has it's own Coupon Redemptions page that you can access by clicking on Manage Coupons in the Account Information module or above the Coupon Redemptions table lower on the account page.

On the Coupon Redemptions page you can find coupons in the Redeemable Coupons table and click "Redeem" in the hover actions to the right.

We do not support this functionality through Recurly. If the coupon is subscription-level, you will need to specify the uuid of the existing subscription you want to tie the redemption too in the redemption request. Hosted Account Management We do not currently allow coupons to be redeemed on existing accounts through the hosted account management pages. If you would like to include this option on your hosted account management pages, please submit a feature request through a support ticket.

Visit the account and click on Manage Coupons in the Account Information module or above the Coupon Redemptions table lower on the account page.

Manage Coupons will take you to the Coupons Redemptions page for the account where you can select the redemption you want to remove from the Redeemed on Account table. You will find the Remove action in the right hover actions for the table row. If you only allow one active coupon on an account, you can also remove an existing coupon redemption by redeeming a new coupon.

When accounts are limited to one active redemption at a time, redeeming a new coupon will automatically remove the existing coupon and then redeem the new one. Redeemable coupons can be edited to change display text or redemption rules. We do not allow you to edit any coupon attributes that would affect active redemptions currently on a customer's account. These are the coupon fields that can be edited after the coupon is created:. To edit a coupon, visit the coupons dashboard and find the coupon you want to edit in the Redeemable Coupons table. Click on the coupon's internal name. This will take you to the coupon's overview page where you will see an Edit button in the top right corner.

Click Edit and you will be taken to the edit page for the coupon. Edit the fields you want to change and click Save Changes. Note: We do not store a history of changes, so you will not see what the coupon fields were before you changed them. Invoice Description will not update on already created invoices, but will be updated on new invoices created after the change.

Coupons can expire automatically based on the rules you set for the coupon campaign, or you can choose to manually expire the coupon. Expiring a coupon blocks customers from redeeming the coupon. Customers who have already redeemed the coupon are not affected. Their active redemptions will continue to discount their accounts.

Coupons can be manually expired in an action we call Expire Early. To expire a coupon, visit the coupon's overview page and select Expire Early in the top right corner. This will ask you if you are sure you want to expire the coupon.

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Once you confirm, the coupon will expire immediately and will now live in the Expired Coupons table on the coupons dashboard. Coupons will automatically expire if you set a redeem by date or maximum redemptions and either of those limitations are reached. The redeem by date will expire at PDT on the day you select. The maximum redemptions will expire the coupon as soon as the last redemption in the limit is successful. Bulk coupons with all unique codes redeemed will be considered Expired in the UI, even though their true status is active in the API. If a coupon is expired early or reaches it's maximum redemptions, the coupon code may be reused when creating a new coupon.

Any existing customers with active redemptions from the original coupon on their account will be grandfathered into the terms of the old coupon. If a coupon expired by reaching it's redeem by date, you will not be able to reuse the coupon code. If a coupon has expired, you can restore the coupon in order to make it redeemable again.

If the coupon has reached it's maximum redemptions or the redeem by date, you must edit those fields before the coupon can be restored. You can edit all other editable fields in the restore action. To restore a coupon, visit the coupons dashboard and find the coupon you want to restore in the Expired Coupons table.

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This will take you to the coupon's overview page where you will see a Restore button in the top right corner. Click Restore and you will be taken to the restore page for the coupon. Edit the fields you want to change and click Restore Coupon. In this case, you will be asked to add additional unique codes to the bulk coupon in order to restore the coupon through the UI. To restore a unique code within a bulk coupon campaign, find the bulk coupon's overview page and select "Restore Code" in the right hover actions in the row of the unique code.

There are many different exports you can use to understand the status or success of your coupon campaigns. All exports can be found on the Exports page under Reports. This export is essentially an inventory of your coupon campaigns. The export will show you all coupons that exist on your site, the rules for those coupons, and when they were created or expired. See the details of this export in our Coupons export documentation. This export will show you the success of your coupon campaign. The export will show you who has redeemed your coupons, when they redeemed it, and how much the redemption has discounted their account.

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Filter this report by your coupon and you can total the discount amount and build a chart that shows redemptions over time. See the details of this export in our Coupon Redemptions export documentation. This export will list a specific bulk coupon's unique codes, which you can import into your email system or other tools to distribute the codes to customers. This export can also be used to track the success of your bulk coupon campaign because it includes the same redemption information found in the Coupon Redemptions export.

Have more than one event coming up? Need to create and manage discount codes for all of them? Your ticketing partner should make it easy for you to do that all in advance in your dashboard.