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Be safe in the knowledge that we only suggest treatment that is necessary and that will give you the best result for a thinner you!

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CoolSculpting San Diego

This innovative fat-reduction technique has some distinct benefits, including:. He will meet with you, one-on- one, to discuss your treatment goals and concerns, evaluate your anatomy, and recommend a customized treatment plan to transform your body. With our new CoolAdvantage upgraded applicator we can treat the abdomen, flanks and inner-thighs. It has three interchangeable contours that are designed to target these specific areas of the body.

With this new applicator and contour heads, we can simply plug the appropriate CoolAdvantage contour in and begin treatment to start freezing away fat more effectively.

How Was Coolsculpting Discovered?

The new CoolAdvantage applicator also gives the benefit of having shorter treatment cycles. Session are only 35 minutes, cutting the normal treatment time by almost half. It also allows for us to target larger areas of the body thus freezing more fat!. Keeping that in mind, the new CoolAdvantage Petite applicator was designed to specifically address the area. CoolSculpting is one of the only non-invasive fat removal technology cleared by the FDA to on the market to treat upper arms. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about our amazing CoolSculpting treatments.

Alexander Ataii M.

What Is CoolSculpting?

He is a skilled skin care specialist who focuses on all aspects of the skin both diagnostic and cosmetic. Call for a cosmetic consultation: Losing Fat vs.

CoolSculpting in La Jolla

Losing Weight There is a difference between fat reduction and weight loss. How does it work? Where can I use CoolSculpting? How long is the treatment? How many treatments will I need? How safe is CoolSculpting? Can CoolSculpting help me lose my double chin? What can I expect during the procedure?

How long do the results stay? Is it really expensive?

Introducing Coolsculpting at Laser Clinique in San Diego, CA

Furthermore, the treatment is safe, effective, and cleared by the FDA since What happens during my CoolSculpting treatment? In order to protect the target area, a gel pad will be placed on the skin to protect it.

If treating double chin, bra fold or knees a topical gel will be applied directly on the skin. A hand-held applicator will be used to gently draw excess fat and skin in the suction cup. You may feel a slight pull and pressure. You will begin to feel cold quickly and within minutes the areas treated will feel numb, making the experience very comfortable. Depending on the treated areas, your treatment will most likely be done within 35 minutes to 1 hour.

What Can I Expect During a CoolSculpting® Treatment?

Results from a CoolSculpting treatment appear natural and can be seen as early as 3 weeks after treatment. The most dramatic results can be appreciated after 3 to 4 months. Your body is naturally and continuously getting rid of the fat cells, and it takes three to four months for the process to be completed. Most patients get satisfying results even after a single treatment. During your consultation with us, we will develop an individualized treatment plan based on your unique needs and preferences.

Because the procedure is totally non-surgical, you can return to your normal activities immediately after treatment.