Free Baby Formula for Moms

It's something one money saving dad told he did when his new baby was first born.

Want to join?

Tom Bryant, 33, from London - who also runs freebie website Magic Freebies told The Sun: "I just had a baby and there are quite a few baby clubs where you can get vouchers and coupons and free samples. Every baby born in Scotland is given a free baby box , which not only can your newborn sleep in, but it's also stuffed to the brim with essentials.

This includes baby clothes, an ear thermometer, bath toys, teething rings, books, breast pads for mums, and more - although items can vary. If your baby is premature, you can contact scotlandsbabybox theapsgroup. If you live in England and Wales, a company called The Baby Box sends out free baby boxes for newborns to sleep in with products inside. It doesn't say what you'll get in your box but bear in mind you will need to watch and complete online courses and videos to earn your box and other rewards.

You can sign up on The Baby Box website. Aptaclub , which is part of the Danone food manufacturing company, is a free club for new parents. At the moment it's only giving away how to guides, personalised emails and expert advice to new joiners. But in the past it's given new sign-ups a free welcome pack, including a cuddly polar bear toy, so keep your eyes peeled for new signup offers.

Top Shared Posts

Join Asda's Baby and Toddler Club and you'll be sent "offers and advice" from the supermarket. You'll also be sent free gifts, subject to availability, although we don't know what these are. Parenting website Bounty gives joiners a free mum-to-be pack, which includes a bodysuit, nappies, wipes and 10 per cent off George at Asda. Picture courtesy of Better Together Home. Sign up with Bounty and you get samples and discount offers. Sign up with Amazon Family for a free 3 month trial. You get regular offers, nappy savings and more.

You can also start your baby wish list for that baby shower! NHS Healthy Start is a government initiative, you may qualify for free vouchers every week to spend on milk, plain fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, and infant formula milk.

Pregnancy and Baby freebies

You can also get free vitamins. Check if you qualify here. If you join the Pampers Club, you can get points back from your purchases which add up to rewards. Find out more here.

Freebies, samples and loads of other free stuff for mothers and babies alike!

Similarly, SMA infant formula have a pregnancy club which offers surprises, information and competitions. Aptamil has offers, expert advice and discounts. Want to chat with like minded Mums and Mums to be?

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Wow this is so useful! Brilliant list here, I would have loved to have this when I was pregnant x pbe.

34 Baby Clubs for New Moms

Especially bounty — it horrifies me that they are given access to vulnerable women and newborns, just to promote their products, I am really shocked that the NHS permits it! I know, somehow they got in at one time! Nothing is free really! Such a wonderful list it is.

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Hope so it will helpful for every pregnant moms. And it is going to useful for them. Thanks for the sharing such a helpful article with lots of information. I wush i cud get help with items as im almost 20 werks pregnant and just found out im havi g a baby boy first time mammy and when i told my place of work i was pregnant i was sacked they also dobe tgis some months ago wirh another girl so i have mo income atm to but anything.

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