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The Commission is fully supportive of the work being carried out in the World Intellectual Property Organisation WIPO in order to facilitate access to books by visually impaired persons. The European Union is an active participant in the discussions on a future international instrument. As discussions on this request were set to start in the Council under the Cypriot Presidency, it has not yet been possible to identify any potential difficulties.

The Commission has already shown its firm commitment to a binding international instrument by asking for a negotiating mandate for a treaty from the Council.

Betrifft: Finanzielle Hilfe und Wiedervereinigung in Zypern. Mit anderen Worten, leistet die finanzielle Hilfe wirklich einen Beitrag zur Wiedervereinigung? Mit den EU-Mitteln wurden u. Angesichts des breiten Spektrums der Hilfe und der schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen ist die Kommission der Auffassung, dass im Hinblick auf die wichtigsten Ziele Fortschritte erreicht wurden. As the Honourable Member is aware, the Aid Regulation for the Turkish Cypriot community aims at facilitating the reunification of the island by encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community.

It has also fostered reconciliation, bi-communal cooperation as well as confidence building measures. This has also had a positive knock-on effect on the economy. For instance, EU funds supported substantial investments in water, wastewater treatment and solid waste management, and around 1, grants have been given to schools, NGOs, small businesses, farmers and students.

The aid programme also supported the demining of the buffer zone as well as the Committee on Missing Persons and the bi-communal Technical Committee on cultural heritage. Considering the broad spectrum of the assistance and the sensitive operating environment, the Commission believes that progress has been made towards the main objective.

As well as financial assistance, the Commission continues to strongly support the settlement talks for a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus issue, which is long overdue.

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Can the Commission provide information on how the proposed initiative of lifting restrictions on the carriage of liquids guarantees improved passenger experience? Can the Commission confirm whether the screening equipment to be used in connection with the lifting of the restriction on carrying liquids has been improved?

It was noted that it delivered inconsistent results and that there was some difficulty in screening certain types of liquids, aerosols and gels in certain quantities and in certain types of containers. Has the Commission considered the financial impact of the cost represented by LAGs liquids, aerosols and gels screening equipment at a time when Europe is facing an unprecedented economic crisis?

The Commission together with Member States' experts and industry stakeholders in the field of aviation security has collected information from, and is finalising its analysis of, the trials that have been conducted at EU airports, the consultant's independent evaluation and other relevant information in respect of liquid screening. Security and technology aspects, cost factors, industry concerns and international factors are being taken into account. The Commission is preparing its conclusions and will launch formal consultations with Member States and the European Parliament. Oggetto: Rischi ambientali legati al sito di stoccaggio provvisorio nella Piana dell'Olmo.

Nei giorni scorsi il Commissario Sottile ha comunicato l'intenzione di aprire un sito di stoccaggio provvisorio nella Piana dell'Olmo, nei pressi del Comune di Riano Provincia di Roma. Questa decisione ha incontrato una forte opposizione dei cittadini del suddetto comune e degli altri comuni limitrofi di Roma Nord.

La presenza di falde affioranti, la vicinanza al fiume Tevere, l'assenza di barriere naturali e la presenza di case e zone abitate in stretta vicinanza al sito, fanno sorgere numerosi dubbi dei paesi limitrofi in relazione all'impatto ambientale di un potenziale sito di stoccaggio nella Piana dell'Olmo. In particolare, prima del rilascio dell'autorizzazione finale di sviluppo devono essere debitamente effettuate tutte le necessarie procedure di valutazione.

This decision has met with strong opposition from the citizens of Riano and of neighbouring municipalities in Northern Rome. The proposed site would be close to a number of municipalities and would affect hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. The Commission is closely monitoring the developments of the waste situation in Lazio in order to ensure that it is handled by the competent Italian authorities in compliance with the relevant EU environmental law.

It should be noted however, that the Commission cannot replace the national authorities, who are solely responsible for deciding the type and location of waste disposal installations to be built in their territory, provided that these installations are built, managed and monitored according to the relevant EU legislation. In particular, all relevant assessment procedures have to be duly carried out before final development consent is granted. On the basis of the information available to date, it appears that no new landfill project, in Pian dell'Olmo or elsewhere in Lazio, has been granted final development consent and consequently, no breaches of EU environmental legislation can yet be identified.

This Treaty is a treaty of international law that does not belong to the legal order of the Union. It is not for the Commission to provide its views on the interpretation of such a treaty. Nevertheless it is clear that this treaty would not be capable of imposing obligations upon a State which is not a party to it.

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Oggetto: Liberalizzazione del cabotaggio e modifica del regolamento CE n. Come disposto dal regolamento CE n. This divergence in costs and tax systems between Member States has seriously distorted competition and encouraged dumping among operators in the sector. The results of this assessment will be presented in a report of the Commission expected to be published in , which may if appropriate be followed-up by a legislative proposal.

The Group also concludes that despite these differences, there is a case for gradual opening up of national transport markets, flanked with measures to ensure fair competition and working conditions, in order to reach a Single European Transport Area. The Commission will continue its own preparatory work and will take these conclusions into account when issuing its own report.

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The Bologna Follow-up Group, which was given the task of assessing whether the Belarusian system of higher education was ready to be included in the pan-European structure, found that the principles and values of the Bologna Process, such as academic freedom, institutional autonomy and student participation in managing higher education, are not being upheld sufficiently in Belarus. This decision will remain valid for the next three years. The remaining 2 projects are Structural Measures; contributing to the development and reform of education institutions and systems at a national level, addressing issues linked to governance reform, or enhancing the links between higher education and society.

Since , 50 Belarusian students have received a scholarship for Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and around Belarusian nationals have taken part in the action 2 mobility scheme , experiencing a different, international, perspective of their academic subject and, strengthening their future employability and personal development. Belarusian universities have developed good practices related to international cooperation and academic curricula. The EU may also conclude an international agreement with a Member State of the Union for matters for which it has competence, but where that competence does not extend to the particular Member State.

Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Kommission um die Beantwortung folgender Fragen gebeten:. Ist eine Stakeholder-Konsultation geplant?


Falls nicht, welche Daten werden dem Impact Assessment zugrunde gelegt? Sind entsprechende wissenschaftliche Studien geplant? Ist vorgesehen, im Impact Assessment aufzuzeigen, wie verhindert werden kann, dass Lebensmittel in eine solche 1. Klasse eingeteilt werden? These nutrient profiles do not yet exist, and the Commission is apparently now planning to carry out an initial impact assessment.

Why did the Commission not carry out an impact assessment before publishing the proposed regulation, even though it is obliged to do so? Why was the European Parliament not informed that the Commission is now planning an impact assessment for nutrient profiles? What will the nature of this impact assessment be, and what timeframe is planned for this purpose?

Are there plans to consult stakeholders? If not, what data is to be used as a basis for the impact assessment? How can the Commission ensure that the legal evaluation of nutrient profiles is also taken into consideration? How can the Commission ensure that an impact assessment regarding the efficacy of nutrient profiles in preventing obesity, in particular among children and young people, is included?

After all, prevention was the main argument used by the Commission in support of nutrient profiles. Are there plans to carry out scientific studies for this purpose? How can the Commission ensure that the impact assessment will also include the negative effects of nutrient profiles on consumer information, as, under certain circumstances, it may no longer be permissible to provide important information about foodstuffs? The regulation was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council that were fully aware of the situation.

Today the Commission's policy is to carry out an impact assessment for all new policy initiatives, including implementing measures which may have significant impacts. The application of nutrient profiles may restrict the use of claims in certain products. Claims are voluntary statements with a strong promotional effect which nutrient profiles aim to counterbalance in order to avoid misleading consumers. Nutrient profiles will not affect the provision of important mandatory information. Oggetto: Sostegno ai cluster industriali delle zone dell'Emilia Romagna colpite dal terremoto.

La Commissione segue con particolare attenzione la situazione. Il finanziamento totale del P. Sono in corso altri interventi; un altro dovrebbe essere annunciato a breve, attraverso un intermediario di garanzia attivo nella vicina regione Lombardia. The repeated violent earthquakes that continue to affect Emilia-Romagna and other northern regions have resulted in many casualties and destroyed small and medium-sized enterprises.

They have also put severe strain on important districts and clusters, particularly those in Emilia-Romagna specialising in the biomedical, automotive, ceramics and agrifood industries. The Commission is particularly concerned about this situation. Vice-President Tajani and Commissioner Hahn visited the affected zones and announced that the relaunch of the local economy will be a priority.

Part of the Structural Funds for Emilia Romagna have been reallocated for reconstruction purposes, although the resources available are limited compared to the extent of the damage.

The overall funding of the R. A significant part of it is for SMEs, e.