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By Collin Owner. Getting Toasty! Hiplist Print 72 Comments. Did You See These? Get Ready. Tara January 11, at am MST. Used my zip code and got a free shake! Expires January 14th.

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Thanks Collin! Lindsay R. January 11, at am MST. I am also wondering how we redeem these? I think some of the negative reviews on detailing must be about expectations. An express detail does not mean you receive a full detail.

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If you pay for a full detail, you get a full detail. The staff was also extremely courteous. No complaints here. Every time I bring my Audi here I have no issues whatsoever.

They are very thorough and even wipe down every spoke of my wheels. The Works Wash is a great value and the Rain-X total vehicle shield protects the entire car, not just the windshield. It makes the water and dirt slide right off of my car.

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My favorite air freshener is the Arctic Ice and I recommend it. The free 5 day rewash is an added bonus. Free month trials should only be available to friends of members and they have to come together on the first day. When people work out with a friend, they'll be more likely to stick with it, and you'll be more likely to get a new member and make your money back on that free month. New to fitness studio marketing?

Did you know that text messages get five times more engagement than emails? Most gym managers are surprised at just how effective text message marketing can be. When you have a marketing channel that strong, use a good incentive to get people to opt in. Gold's Gym recently offered several free assessments and classes to people who joined their text list. Larry North Fitness offers a free 7-Day Pass as an incentive for their text marketing subscription.

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You'll get instant access to 17 effective text message templates. It's no secret that word of mouth is the strongest form of advertising. So, don't just sit back and hope your members tell their family, coworkers, and friends about your amazing fitness center.

Give them a strong incentive to spread the word. Then promote your referral program everywhere you can. A referral campaign is another type of marketing tactic that works especially well with text messaging. So, you can send your referral requests at the perfect time because you know exactly when your contacts will get the message. Deliver your referral text messages at a time of day when your contacts will have the opportunity to communicate with their friends.

This membership-driving idea is a little out of the box. Consider sending a personal trainer to local businesses for a free session.

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