Kindle E-Reader

Amazon Black Friday deals: the best predictions for the 12222 sale

If the deals below aren't quite what you're looking for, hold off until November 29 and the biggest shopping season of the year. We'll be tracking prices throughout the weekend all the way through to Cyber Monday on our Black Friday deals page, so check it out to stay up to date. These ereaders don't have LCD screens or powerful internal components. So you'll find Kindle sale prices are far cheaper than tablets and phones.

A place to share deals on eBook titles and hardware

The screens are fantastic for glare-free reading and an immediate improvement over using the Kindle app on your phone or tablet too. When looking at a Kindle ereader listing, whether it's on Amazon's website, or on a different retailer's site, you'll often see 'includes special offers' in the title or item description. Essentially, these Special Offers act as Amazon-based screensaver-style advertisements on your Kindle device. So when you pop your Kindle on from sleep mode you'll see an ad for a book on Amazon's Kindle store, or maybe a third party ad. Annoying right? Actually, I opted for with Special Offers I do love a cheap deal , and it's not bothered me one bit.

You can swipe the ad away easily no trying to find the tiny X icon here and get on with your reading straight away.

When in sleep mode, the ads cycle on the screen, but they're not illuminated and they don't seem to consume any power. They don't slow anything down when powering on the device after shutdown either. Seeing as they don't interfere with the experience at all, I'm glad I didn't spend the extra money to block them.

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Hey, some of them sales ads etc have been worth clicking through to. If you really don't like them though, you can always pay the difference at a later date to get them removed.

Kindle Paperwhite: Comfortlight and Real Paper Feeling

So we'd opt for the cheaper 'includes special offers' option first. Amazon's latest take on the entry-level Kindle was given a boost for by including a built-in light, meaning you don't have to get the Kindle Paperwhite if you want to read your Kindle at night without any extra lighting in the room. It's a neat upgrade, but it has pushed the starting price up a little compared to the starting Kindle. The screen itself though is still only ppi, opposed to the Paperwhite's higher resolution of ppi.

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The Paperwhite which is now waterproof and designed with a flush screen against the bezel does get some chunky discounts at multiple points of the year, so if you time it right, you may not have to pay much more to get that instead of this basic if improved Kindle. For the full rundown, check out our latest Kindle review.

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  4. Amazon has an updated version of the excellent Kindle Paperwhite and it's just been released. And this is no mere by-the-numbers update with a deep dive on internal spec sheet required to spot the differences let's leave that to the MacBooks right? When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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    Black Friday. Attention: This Ad Scan is from and is intended for your reference only. That's good news for anyone who, thanks to living in the Age of Constant Distraction, finds it difficult to sit down and read on a phone or tablet. What these Kindle e-reader tablets offer is crisp black-and-white displays that are totally readable in direct sunlight, plus the ability to hold thousands of books , newspapers, magazines, and web articles -- all without push notifications and social media nagging at your attention.

    For starters, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the Kindle Oasis , the next model up. It's also waterproof, so you can bring it to the pool or bath. It has a built-in light for those who like reading in bed or low light.