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That said, there's no denying that Itsines has helped many young women feel confident. People on Reddit talk about how they've gotten stronger; that's great! Strength training is important. The photos are pretty obvious and tell a great story — but it's not the whole story, and it's a promise that may or may not be fulfilled. I saw negligible results, and moreover, Redditors have also reported mixed results, with some people saying how since they already ate healthily, much wasn't going to change — but one thing is clear that in order to see any results, you need to do everything Itsines subscribes, which, unlike the highly-publicized three circuits a week, is time-consuming.

There is no short cut to wellness, sure, but I have a lingering suspicion some people latch onto Itsines' ideas because they think that it might be a short cut. There's no "one size fits all" approach for weight loss — and the program is innately prescriptive. That's a mixed message, isn't it?


And Itsines seems to make it seem as though this is tailored to individual women, but it's not: it's entirely prescriptive, even if it's not her intention. This is the sad, unfortunate truth of any exercise program, especially ones that sell themselves as miracle workers and promise to rid your body of excess fat and unleash your hidden six pack: every body is made differently and everyone needs to figure out what works best for his or her body. This can make doing a prescribed workout program extremely frustrating, because you could be twelve weeks in — a fiscal quarter!

The name of her program alone is troublesome — and even some bloggers who rave about her guides often confess that they dislike the name "Bikini Body Guide. After all, what is a bikini body? As many people say now, it's a body It's your best you. In her eBook, Itsines appears to be ready for that criticism. She swears that a "bikini body is not a certain body weight, size or look, but rather a state of mind where you are confident and feel good about YOU.

I do not believe that a single figure, idealistic individual, or image should be the sole goal for a broad-spectrum audience. I think the end goal should still be the same, but the definition for that goal is happiness through health.

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I don't promote my work in a derogatory or demeaning way to anyone, as we all have different tastes. My work is entirely about making women feel comfortable about their bodies, and assisting the women that specifically seek the outcomes that my advice has proven to achieve," she writes.

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But it's impossible to ignore that Itsines' main way of advertising is showing impressive before and after photos, though she also appears to cover her bases by posting Instagram photos that claim "health is not a size. It's a lifestyle. Not everybody's body is meant to be cut like a Victoria's Secret model. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a better you — I'm not against dramatic weight loss photos — but Itsines' message feels inconsistent to me.

Those without her app are left with something troubling: no guidance other than illustrations. It's not really rocket science to realize that improperly doing a workout and for twelve weeks could be risky, and that's a risk that anyone who signs up for the Bikini Body Guide is taking. There are some moves I felt wary about doing on my own. Jumping onto two side-by-side benches typically used for bench presses?

No, thanks. Celebrity fitness trainer Anna Kaiser has spoken out against the problem with the rise of the Instagram fitness celebrity though she didn't name names; she just spoke vaguely about the problem with Instagram fitness stars. They're just going off of pictures and videos, and In her guide, Itsines advises against doing her circuits and "LISS" workouts at the same time, and toward the end of the guide, she's encouraging more workouts than there are days in the week. She doesn't advise that people do resistance training and cardio back-to-back, but suggests training once in the morning and once in the evening.

Do you know who works out in the morning and at night? Victoria's Secret models. Do you know the audience that's gobbling up Kayla's advice? Young girls. Young girls who are in formative states — mentally, emotionally, and physically — and they're nodding their heads and saying, "yes," and making the gym the center point of their lives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making the gym a priority. But Itsines is subtly advocating that people schedule their lives around multiple workouts a day. This is not doing a double SoulCycle class for fun on the weekend.

This is subtly telling young women that in order to get this elusive bikini body, they need to make gym trips. That's just not realistic for most young women, who should be living balanced lives. To be fair, her diet doesn't demonize carbs I fully believe that Itsines is out to help young women, but unless you have a very open schedule, this just might not work. That's how I felt, for sure: when would I get in all of these sessions and sleep and have a social life and prep all this healthy food? All of those are very important aspects for being a well rounded, healthy person.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Kayla Itsines is a very smart young business woman. It's more for the nutrition manual. Itsines swears you don't need anything, but you do need equipment, from medicine balls to weights and more and reviewers have said how they didn't anticipate the additional expenses, and they can really add up. And realizing what Itsines is getting people to do — resistance training, fat burning low intensity cardio, and high intensity interval — isn't entirely groundbreaking in the fitness world.

The only revolutionary thing she's done, in my opinion, is that she's cultivated a community and made women accountable for their wellness. She's made them feel strong and helped them feel like they can do push ups. She's brought millions of women together. That's great. And to her credit, she's gotten millions of women interested in exercise, which is hugely important. But I think the brilliance ends about there. After all, like with diets, there is no magical mystery cure for getting the body of your dreams. It's a combination of taking care of it, exercising safely so that you can keep exercising in the long run, and eating well — doing something that you enjoy and works for you.

And sometimes, if you have really specific goals, you might have to seek out an expert — which, yes, costs money, but they'll pay attention to your needs. To be fair, Bikini Body Guide may work for some women, but if it doesn't work for you, that's okay. Remember, this guy lost pounds eating Chick-fil-A almost every day, so really, it's all about finding something that's sustainable for you.

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