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What extra information can we glean? What perspective should we take? What approach will help us make a good decision?


What skills or tools should we use for this or that situation? How can we challenge our perceptions and ignite our creativity and move towards our goals, starting right now? A good tarot reading explores your inner and outer worlds as they are now, so that you can use that information to shape your own future. Knowledge is power, after all! This one is definitely intimidating for beginning tarot readers! Of course, in pop culture, tarot readers have long been associated with mediumship and psychic revelations and, well… a certain kind of spooky knowing.

You could be forgiven for thinking you need to have prophetic dreams or communicate with the dead in order to read tarot cards. Sure, there definitely are some folks out there who feel blessed with The Sight and who have no qualms identifying as psychic. Many of them make great tarot readers. For one, a willingness to practice. Tarot is a skill anyone can learn, and like any skill, it takes a little time to learn and a lot of time to master. Practice, practice, practice!

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The next thing that will help you on your tarot journey is intuition. Maybe some of us have spent more time honing that part of ourselves than others, but everyone has the ability to take information and experience and instinct and use it to make cognitive leaps in understanding about our situations or environments. And like any skill, practice only makes our intuition sharper! That is, tarot readers.

Tarot is a language of symbols and associations that beginners simply need to learn to read through study and practice. Your tarot skills will grow and flourish if you focus on reading what you can see with your own eyes on the cards in front of you — no Second Sight required!

Full Moon Charge

A look at some of the most popular decks from the last hundred-odd years might lead you to believe that tarot is only representative of certain kinds of people. Like so many types of media, tarot has been historically poor at giving a voice to the truly diverse and often marginalised types of people, relationships, and lived experiences that we actually embody and see in the world around us. Tarot readers and creators, like people from all walks of life, come from many genders, cultures, sexualities, and ethnic groups, and in all shapes and sizes, and of course, we want to see our true selves represented in the decks we read with.

For a long time, though, decks like that were few and far between. The good news is, this paradigm is slowly changing. Court cards were renamed to reflect family and social relationships, rather than feudal hierarchies, and figures on the cards were liberated from at least some of their traditional and gendered roles. There was still a ways to go, though, and fortunately, in the last few years, this shift has really picked up in pace and scope!

The Wild Unknown Tarot Keepsake Box

And thank goodness for that! Therein lies goodness! And if you value inclusive and expansive tarot decks and resources, vote with your dollar and support the artists doing this vital work. So, tarot novices, lurkers, and babes who got lost here via google search, take it from me: tarot is for you, if you want it to be! Forget about the rules and restrictions. If you want to embrace this beautiful, intuitive, dynamic, weird art form, you don't need permission. All you need is a deck of cards.

Good luck out there! A few years back, Marcella created the iconic Sacred Symbols oracle deck I talked to her about that deck here , and since then she's been reading cards, changing lives, and working her ass off to raise funds and awareness for several vital environmental and social justice concerns.

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Marcella is the kind of spiritual leader who walks her talk, always ready to speak up in service of love and justice, and this shines through as much in her divination work as it does in her work as an activist. Of course, I wanted to hear all about it, and so Marcella kindly offered her time to tell us the story of how Nature Nurture came to be. Congrats on the publication of your new deck! Could you tell us a little about what the Nature Nurture oracle is and how it works? The Nature Nurture Oracle is a divination deck featuring animals, nature, and archetypes that might soon be extinct if humanity continues consuming and abusing our resources, as well as forgetting where we come from.

So the cards have a dual purpose. While one might get a personal reading and benefit from the messages, the subjects painted in the cards will also be given some recognition and healing as well. I've heard that you had an unusual champion for the creation of this deck! Could you tell us a little about how the Nature Nurture oracle deck came to be, and what the process of creation was like? In the spring of I received a psychic hit aka message informing me that I would create another deck. I had no idea at the time how it would happen. So I just let go of the idea since it wasn't something I had been planning.

Also since I was having some health challenges that needed to be addressed, it hadn't become a priority. That summer I was psychically pulled to a metaphysical shop in Los Angeles where I live. It felt like I was energetically summoned to go to this place, even though I had no intention of going there that day. He was there giving readings with his guardian Carolyn. In the reading they informed that I was to not give up on my creation because it would help contribute to the Earth's healing.

It was powerful to say, but it took me another 6 months to get to work. After a gruelling few months of getting my health on track, getting sober, and becoming heavily involved in organising raising funds for a couple of key political movements I crashed. Over the course of January and February I hand drew all of the cards, wrote the booklet meanings, and taught myself photoshop to graphically lay them out and design them.

To get them printed I applied for a loan through Kiva. Through that generosity I have been able to print the first edition and get them out into the world. A magical and humbling experience. How would you say your art and your ideas have evolved between Sacred Symbols and this new deck?

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Well for one, I'm not homeless. Sacred Symbols happened without intention really. I was homeless and bouncing around trying to figure out my purpose. I never imagined it would be something that would completely change my world. Part of creating that deck was to get these symbols that I would see repeatedly in my psychic readings out of my brain and onto paper. I knew it was some kind of language that needed to be translated but wasn't sure how or why. Also because with the growing revival of the mystical and the current fashion trends of all things witchy, I felt it was important to offer some kind of educational aspect to the symbols and those connecting to them.

The booklet is very simple, but I wanted to include a source of imagery. So folks knew what they were connecting to on a more conscious level. Has working with Nature Nurture influenced or changed your personal spiritual practice, or your work with clients?

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If so, what has it brought to the table? I have found that the Nature Nurture deck has become a staple in my readings with clients and my daily practice. It commands me to give it my full attention. Not in a bossy way, but just in a "please respect this energy message" way. It allows me to connect in a way with clients and they connect with the cards in a more relaxed way. Most folks can recognize the imagery and have an instant sense of how to work with the energy.

Allowing them to stay present moment and get the information they really need for their growth and evolution. How would you recommend that readers work with the Nature Nurture oracle? Any pro tips? Take your time, court it, or dive right in. I would say connect however the hell you want. Honestly I'm not a big traditionalist when it comes to divination or anything for that matter. I mean I'm self taught and don't play by rules. So do what works for you. Yes by all means read the booklet but find your own connection, and meanings if that resonates more. After all you are the interpreter.

The only other advice I would offer would be: Respect the cards, Respect your practice, Respect the space that comes with offering insight, and Respect yourself. You can find out more about Marcella at her website , or follow her on Instagram. Not only that, but in addition to the standard card tarot deck, it also includes a bonus card oracle deck.