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The villa comes fully furnished with 3 bedrooms with AC , 2 bathrooms, and a large wrap-around deck for relaxing outdoors.

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Tastefully decorated and furnished, the villa is being offered turnkey, making this an excellent value! Shared community features at Palmetto Bay Plantation include miles of white sand beach, access to water sports, pool, bar, restaurant, and hour security. View Palmetto Bay Plantation B We also partner with a local dive shop and excellent divemasters to guide you around the best dive sites at the dive times that work for you. View Serenity Beach House. This three-story beachfront home is a dream come true for groups or families looking to have a fun-filled island vacation.

From the private dock and kayaks to the second-level gaming suite and multiple outdoor seating areas to enjoy the limitless Caribbean views, Turtle Casa has it all. View the Turtle Casa rental options. See all current Specials.

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Toggle navigation. You can also sit comfortably at a bar that has a built-in machine. When you order your first drink, the bartender will slide a bill your way. A word to the wise on the free drinks: They are usually very small and very cheap.

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Imagine about a cup of house brand rum and cola, heavily laden with ice. Like many cities, Las Vegas clubs occasionally run promos offering ladies a free drink and club admission if they arrive before a certain time in the evening. You know the game here. They want pretty girls to show up and stick around to help create buzz. You may not score the free drink, but you could avoid paying cover fees.

For the longest time, I assumed that free accommodations in Vegas worked one of two ways.

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The first: You had to be a high roller. Within hours of winning a massive jackpot and receiving a gorgeous suite for free, they would inevitably meet their demise. No thanks! Of course, now I know that if you have just a bit of nerve and an aptitude for planning, a free room or upgrade may be in the cards for you pun intended! In reality, getting a comped room works something like this: First, you have to research which hotels are the most amenable to giving rewards and promotions to their player club members.

Secondly, you have to be willing to concentrate your gambling efforts at one casino. Finally, you have to have the moxie to approach the player club management booth. Ask if there are any special promotions to reduce your room bill. However, every night thousands of ordinary hotel guests spend a small fortune in the hotel casinos, and virtually none of them ask for a little appreciation in return.

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Fortune favors the bold. Just ask! Graciously ask if there are any available complimentary upgrades. Yes, this is indeed a thing and I can attest to its powers! Arguably, all of Vegas is one giant free show. Hello, people watching!

But if you dream of seeing a classic Las Vegas show like Cirque du Soleil , there is one way to get tickets for free. There are a few caveats to make note of. First, and most importantly, remember that these are some of the best salespeople in the world.

Be prepared to stand firm! The other thing to know is that the plum tickets to the best shows are in very limited supply. If you are dreaming of premium seats to see Cirque du Soleil on a particular night, you may well be out of luck. I once very nearly committed a most improper faux pas in Vegas. I passed a man on the street talking about two-for-one coupons.

Being the Frugal Franny that I am, I walked over to grab one. Thankfully, my husband yanked me back at the last minute.

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  6. That one-for-one special was for hiring the services of…how do I say this politely? Thankfully, Vegas is full of coupons for much more family-friendly bargains. The ultimate resource is the Las Vegas Fun Book. You can get it from any hotel concierge or player club desk.

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    The coupons range from discounts on restaurants and buffets to free desserts with purchase, free souvenirs at gift shops, and even some no-strings-attached free cocktails. Falling somewhere between coupons and freebies is the My Vegas app, available for both iOS and Android. The app encourages you to gamble with virtual cash at no cost to you. The more you play, the more points you gain. Those points can be used for all kinds of fabulous freebies, including free meals, show tickets, and even rooms. In return, you are viewing ads and promos, honing your gambling skills, and likely trading off some personal information and willingly fueling consumer trends data.

    There are dedicated online communities who are devoted to maximizing the rewards and making the most of their gameplay. Like most freebies, remember to read the fine print.