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Liposuction permanently removes fat cells in the areas treated. With proper diet and exercise, results can be long lasting. Many patients with abdominal fat question whether they need a tummy tuck or liposuction. Liposuction can offer good results to patients who have good abdominal skin that is not loose or sagging.

Typically patients with loose skin will need either a tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, depending on the amount of excess skin present. Jared Nimtz Dr. Nimtz is a Lexington board-certified plastic surgeon who is highly skilled, experienced, and truly cares about his patients.

Through a conservative, classic approach to surgery he provides natural-looking results that are attractive and proportionate. Good candidates for liposuction have stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet or exercise.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

Liposuction can be performed on the:. Liposuction is also part of a fat transfer procedure, which removes fat from one area of the body and grafts it to another area, such as the cheeks, lips, breast, and buttocks to give patients a more youthful appearance. You may have tried dieting and exercise. You may have lost weight and trimmed down.

Despite all these hard measures, you still have some stubborn fat deposits around your thighs, tummy and hips which you would rather not have. Cosmetic Surgeons London can help rid you of these fatty deposits and give you the appearance you have been striving for. If you answered "Yes" to these then you may be a good candidate. It is important to understand that cellulite cannot be corrected by liposuction. If your skin is not elastic then you may require a skin tightening procedure instead or in addition.

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At Cosmetic Surgeons London , Mr Sojitra will make a detailed assessment at your consultation and give you an honest opinion as to what is the best way to proceed. Liposuction is usually performed using a general anaesthetic and depending on how much fat removal is performed you may go home the same day of after one night in hospital. Liposuction can be performed on its own or alongside other cosmetic procedures.

Fat is removed by first inserting a small, hollow tube called a Cannula through one or more tiny incisions. Incisions are usually less than one centimetre in length and are placed as inconspicuously as possible. The cannula is connected to a vacuum pressure unit Liposuction or syringe Liposculpture.

The fat is therefore sucked out depending on the amount needed. You will have seen Mr Sojitra on more than one occasion to fully answer all your questions.

It is important to avoid medications, if possible, such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories NSAIDs e. These tablets may increase bleeding during and after surgery. You will be admitted to hospital on the morning of surgery and Mr Sojitra along with his consultant anaesthetist will come and discuss the surgical plan again with you and make some marks on your skin with pen.

The operation will take approximately 45 minutes to hours depending on the amount of fat needed to be removed and you will wake up with dressings in place before being taken to the ward.

Liposuction Before and After

In general, liposuction is performed as a day case procedure. You will need to have a friend or family member to drive you to and from the hospital. You will experience varying degrees of bruising, swelling, and some tenderness all of which improve by the day. Our consultant anaesthetist will prescribe you adequate medication to take home to alleviate any discomfort you may experience. It is important not to get the dressings wet after surgery and you will be advised on showering.

It is important to wear a tight fitting "lycra" pressure garment post-operatively to reduce swelling in the first 6 weeks. Depending on your type of work, you may return to work between days after your procedure depending on the amount and area of fat removed.

Vaser Liposuction

No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for 6 weeks. It will take approximately 3 months before the swelling completely subsides and the final result seen. Your surgeon will see you after 1 week.