Category: Our Guiding Principles

Financial Discipline

We proactively manage costs and prioritize business targets to maximize return on capital expenditures, driving profitability and cash generation. What does that mean for us? We treat our resources and finances as if they were our own. We spend and invest with care and with the clear aim of securing and improving the performance of


We support the communities in which we work. What does that mean for us? We take our social responsibility seriously and empower our employees to commit themselves to this principle at our locations globally. Employees are our most important ambassadors, who ensure that our company is perceived as being a committed member of the community.

Our People

We respect and empower our people, always acting with integrity. What does that mean for us? We create a working environment in which we treat each other with respect. We empower people by delegating responsibility, promoting further development and giving freedom to make personal contributions to the success of the company.


We approach our work with a quality mindset, driving operational excellence. What does that mean for us? Quality is more than just a measurement. It is a personal commitment to – and expectation for – excellence in our work, our processes, our products and our relationships with customers, employees and suppliers.

Our Customers

We deliver win-win solutions to our customers. What does that mean for us? We anticipate the needs of the market and design solutions that fulfill the requirements of our customers and create value to fulfill our financial expectations.